About: Platform URLs

About: Platform URLs


This document is the available URL slugs for the Evexus Platform and functionalities. 




Overview / Notes



shows all talks within the event within an index page layout



shows all public and featured exhibitors loaded within the event



shows all public and featured sponsors loaded within the event



shows all livestream rooms



shows delegate their recommendations based on their interests

User Connect


list of users within the platform for other users to chat, book a meeting and connect with



shows all sessions within the event within an index page layout



shows all themes for the event

Networking Room


shows all joinable networking rooms 

Custom Pages


custom = the slug of your custom pages

You can also find the custom page URL slug via /admin/pages. The name of the page in purple on the left hand side will be hyperlinked to the URL it will be using



shows all public and featured speakers loaded within the event



chat page for delegate to commence a new chat or respond to previous conversations

Login/Create Account


this page can be setup to be: "create an account or login" and login or just "login". 



where a user sets their interest

Submission Content Upload


where users upload their content for their talk



all ePoster talks within the event



shows all leaderboards



shows the event agenda/program/schedule 

Change Password


where user can change their password

Now On


shows the current live sessions



shows all event surveys

Featured Resources


shows all featured resourced loaded into the platform and marked as featured



shows all announcements loaded within the event



shows all notifications sent from the platform/event

Filter URLs




Theme Type


short name = abbreviated Name of theme

the URL to access the abbreviated name in backend is:/admin/themes

All theme with eposters


takes you to an index page for all themes that have a talk allocated to that specific theme

All theme with talks


takes you to an index page for all themes that have a talk allocated to that specific theme

Exhibitor Group


Grouping for exhibitor type

the URL to access the ids in backend is:

Exhibitor Type


id = id of exhibitor type

the URL to access the ids in backend is: /admin/exhibitor_types

Session Type


id = id of session type

the URL to access the ids in backend is: /admin/session_types

ePoster (Talk Type)


id = id of talk type

the URL to access the ids in backend is: /admin/talk_types

Talk Type


id = id of talk type

the URL to access the ids in backend is: /admin/talk_types

Sponsor Tier


id = id of sponsor tier

the URL to access the ids in backend is: /admin/sponsor_tiers

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