How To: Committee Sign Off

How To: Committee Sign Off

This a nice feature if you want to have a log of permissions through out the event planning process - it is not compulsory of course

By Default we have added Final Program Sign-off but you can add a sign off for anything you like 

  1. Click Setup

    Open image-20240410-071459.png

  2. Click Permissions and Templates > Committee Signoff

    Open image-20240410-071519.png

  3. Add the Sign-off type in the box e.g. Open the call for abstracts

    Open image-20240410-071527.png

  4. Click Save

  5. Click the Send icon

    Open image-20240410-071539.png

  6. Send Sign-off request

    Open image-20240410-071556.png

  7. Committee members receive an email and can 'sign-off' with a click of the mouse. This is then  time and dates stamped.

  8. The logs can be found at Program > *Sign-Off




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