How To: Create Tenant

How To: Create Tenant


A Tenant is the highest level in the evexus hierarchy of information.

The Tenant record is used to define global information relating to your account, including information about the company, logo assets, registration, and global feature configuration.

Every Event is linked to a Tenant in the instance. Any information that is defined in the Tenant record is used in each of these Events.

The Tenant record is usually created by the evexus' Customer Success Executive once the Onboarding form has been received.


Create, edit and manage a Tenant. 


  • Log in to the evexus event website/platform

  • Permissions granted of "Global Administrator" by evexus staff member. 

    • Please contact your Customer Success Executive if you require access


  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to 'Events' and then "Tenants" via the black navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.

  2. From this page, click "Create Tenant" which will now open up the next page where you can now input your Tenant details. 

  3. Within the "Create Tenant" page, you can now complete all the mandatory and additional information for the Tenant. The below table is a list of all the fields within the Tenant with information/notes, examples and states if they are mandatory or not. Once you have worked through the below table within the Platform, you can Submit the page. If this brings you back to the "Create a Tenant" page, please ensure you check through your page to rectify any error in the page and re-submit your page. If you have an error, please ensure you re upload your images and these do not "save". 





Information / Notes

Tenant Info




Tenant Name



Tenant Initials




Company Legal Name



Enter the company legal name if different to the name displayed above. This is used on invoices and other legal documents

Tax Identifier/Name



Enter the name of your tax identifier, i.e. ABN, VAT ID

Company Business Number



Enter the company tax number if applicable. Only enter the registration number, not any labels or other information

Tenant Contact Details




Support Email

Not mandatory but is recommended


This email shows within the platform footer

Enter an email address used as the reply-to address for all emails sent from the platform and for sending key notifications to

Accounts Email



Enter an email address where all invoice/payment emails are sent to as a BCC. This is also shown on the tax invoices

Mobile Phone Number



Enter a valid phone number, including country and area code, i.e. +61 3 9034 5221




Enter a valid website URL, including https://

Social Media Profiles



Twitter Profile
Enter a Twitter profile URL, including https:// 
Instagram Profile
Enter a Instagram profile URL, including https:// 
Facebook Profile
Enter a Facebook profile URL, including https:// 
LinkedIn Profile
Enter a LinkedIn profile URL, including https:// 

Tenant Address




Tenant Address


Enter the legal name for invoices i.e. Tax Invoice


i.e. Level 1


i.e. 97 Camberwell Road


i.e. Hawthorn East


ie Victoria


i.e. 3123


i.e. Australia

Invoice Name


Address Line 1


Address Line 2






Post Code



Tenant Styling & Appearance




Primary Colour



Primary colour of the brand formatted as HEX. Used as the primary highlight colour throughout the platform.

Secondary Colour



Secondary colour of the company brand formatted as HEX. 

Used as a secondary highlight colour throughout the platform. 
This should be a different colour and be a suitable match for highlights. There are often shown together. 

Email Header Colour



Colour of the email header as HEX. This overrides the default gradient background. 

Email Footer Colour



Colour of the email footer as HEX. This overrides the default gradient background. 

Tenant Images




Logo Image



Upload a logo to be shown in the platform. This is shown against a white background




Square JPG image to be  used as the favicon.
The Icon circled below is an favicon. This is shown in a web browser. 

Open Screen_Shot_2022-08-26_at_9.18.25_am.png

It's suggested for this image/logo to have no text as it's quite small.


If no Favicon is loaded into the Event, it will default to this Favicon in the Tenant. 

Meta Logo



Square JPG image used as the meta logo.

Meta Logo relates to Google Search Engines and also relates to Meta Tags.


This image is also used for the Email Header Image if no image has been uploaded in the below section.

App Logo



Upload a square (192px x 192px) logo to be used for mobile applications

this is currently shown on a CPD certificate

Email Header Banner Image



Upload a 700px x 200px PNG image to be used as an email header banner

If no image is uploaded here, the Email Header will show a gradient with the Primary and Secondary Colour, with the Meta Logo in the middle. 

Meta Tags




Meta title



Enter a title shown in search engines and when sharing pages from the Platform.
It is recommended to use the event name

Meta description



Enter a description shown in search engines and when sharing pages from the platform. It is recommended to use no more than two sentences. The Event Description is recommended. 

Meta Keywords


i.e. event,Evexus,virtual,conference

Enter keywords presented to search engines, separated by a comma.




Please skip these fields and leave them all blank, unless otherwise advised. (They are not mandatory, even though they have a *)

Privacy Configuration

Complete if required


If enabled, GDPR Compliance is enabled throughout the platform. This will require cookie acceptance for tracking purposes prior to analytics and integrations loading.  

Tenant Registration Configuration




User Registration

Choose Enable or Disable 

If enabled, users can register accounts in the platform. If disabled, no user accounts can be created, effectively disabling all registration processes

Login Link Expiration Length

(Magic Link) 

Update time accordingly if being used 


This link allows Users to login without using a password. 

How long a users login link should be valid for. For example, if you enter '1 week' links will be valid for 7 days after the link was generated. You can enter any standard time notation here e.g. '3 days and 12 hours' or '30 minutes'.

Feature Flags




Email Builder

Choose Enable or Disable


If enabled it grants the ability to create and save email designs via the Email Builder tool. 

Tenant Status





Ensure this is Enabled



Generate Sitemaps For Search Engines

Choose Enable or Disable


Enables the automatic generation of sitemaps for search engines to actively search and index the site for marketing purposes. This is highly recommended to leave this enabled to increase the visibility of the site in SEO ranks. If disabled, the site will be actively ignored by search engines, making this harder to find online without a direct link.

Enable SMS Notifications

Choose Enable or Disable


If enabled, the platform will send SMS notifications to users for passcode login and security events. 

Events Hub

Choose Enable or Disable


If enabled, changing events allows the user to see an Event Hub page with all active Events listed.


Once all mandatory and relevant fields are completed, you will now have a Tenant and can move on to Creating your Event. 

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