How to: Automated Emails Checklist

How to: Automated Emails Checklist

This article will provide the names of the automated emails you need to check (and edit where needed) before you open registration. 

Where to find Automated Emails:
To access head to the Event Website Module -> Communications module -> Automated Emails  

How to edit content for Automated Emails: 
  • After following above path, click the black ‘Actions’ button on the right hand side for each automated email that you want to edit the content for. Click the orange ‘Edit’ button

How to change the Automated Email banners:

  • Event website module (ensure you select the right event in the drop down on the top right) --> Tenants --> Actions à--> Edit --> Tenant Styling & Appearance section: Email Header Colour & Email Footer Colour

To find the specific automated email, you can control or commend 'F' and search for the command line provided below each email trigger. 


Registration Type : Single

Cart/order is free? -> YES 

Payments First
Forms First
  • cart_48_hours_reminder
  • pass_code_token
  • registration_cancellation
  • order_refund_receip

Payments First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_credit_card_paid_forms_incomplete
2. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_free_paid_forms_complete

Subject Line: 
1. Payment received for {{event_name}}
2. Registration complete for {{event_name}}
Forms First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_forms_first_credit_card_paid_forms_complete

Subject Line: 
1. Registration confirmation for {{event_name}}


Registration automated email types to review (and update if required) if form-first is selected as registration strategy and the event is complimentary:

  • registration_payment_first_free_paid_forms_incomplete


Cart/order is free? -> NO 

User chooses payment type  -> Invoice 

Forms First
Payment First
Forms First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_forms_first_invoice_unpaid_forms_complete
2. API mails invoice to user with registration_forms_first_invoice_paid_forms_complete
3. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line 
1. Registration for {{event_name}}
2. Payment confirmation for {{event_name}}
3. Registration started for {{event_name}}
Payment First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_invoice_unpaid_forms_incomplete
2. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Registration started for {{event_name}}
2. Registration started for {{event_name}}

Admin Approves Invoice Payment First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_invoice_paid_forms_incomplete
2. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_invoice_paid_forms_complete

Subject Line: 
1. Payment received for {{event_name}}
2. Payment confirmation for {{event_name}}

User Completes Forms First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_invoice_unpaid_forms_complete
2. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_invoice_paid_forms_complete

Subject Line: 
1. Registration completed for {{event_name}}
2. Payment confirmation for {{event_name}}

User chooses payment type  -> Credit Card

Forms First
Payment First
Forms First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_forms_first_credit_card_paid_forms_complete
2. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Registration confirmation for {{event_name}}
2. Registration started for {{event_name}}
Payment First
1. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_credit_card_paid_forms_incomplete
2. API mails invoice to user with registration_forms_first_credit_card_paid_forms_complete
3. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Payment received for {{event_name}}
2. Registration confirmation for {{event_name}}
3. Registration started for {{event_name}}


Registration Type : Group

User chooses payment type  -> Credit Card

Email Trigger
Email Trigger
1. API mails invoice to user with group_registration_invoice_paid
2. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Payment receieved for {{event_name}}
2. Registration started for {{event_name}}

User chooses payment type  -> Invoice

Email Trigger
Email Trigger
1. API mails invoice to user with group_registration_invoice_unpaid
2. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Payment required for {{event_name}}
2. Registration started for {{event_name}}

Both will flow through to the below:

Email Trigger
Email Trigger
1. API mails invitations to registrants with group_registration_invite
2. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Group registration payment type  -> Credit Card

Email Trigger
Email Trigger
1. API mails invoice to invited user with registration_forms_first_credit_card_paid_forms_complete
2. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Registration confirmation for {{event_name}} 
2. Registration started for {{event_name}}

Group registration payment type  -> Invoice

Admin Approves Invoice First
User Completes Form First
Admin Approves Invoice First
1. API mails invoice to invited user with registration_payment_first_invoice_paid_forms_incomplete
2. API mails invoice to user with registration_payment_first_invoice_paid_forms_complete
3. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Payment received for {{event_name}} 
2. Payment confirmation for {{event_name}}
3. Registration started for {{event_name}}
User Completes Form First
1.  API mails invoice to invited user with registration_payment_first_invoice_unpaid_forms_complete
2. API mails invoice to invited user with registration_payment_first_invoice_paid_forms_complete
3. Abandoned cart email with cart_48_hours_reminder

Subject Line: 
1. Registration completed for {{event_name}}
2. Payment confirmation for {{event_name}}
3. Registration started for {{event_name}}

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