How To: Rolling Reviews - Auto Assign Abstracts to Reviewers

How To: Rolling Reviews - Auto Assign Abstracts to Reviewers

evexus has the ability to automatically assign abstracts of designated themes to specific reviewers. 


Abstracts can be assigned manually either individually or in bulk via the Submissions tab.

However if you want a reviewer to receive an abstract as soon as it is submitted by the author you can set up a 'rolling review' process very easily. You simply need to assign reviewers to themes:


  1. Click users

    Open image-20240410-072107.png

  2. Under Manage users choose the person who you want to assign and click the pen to edit their profile

    Open image-20240410-072116.png

  3. Assign Roles for <your event name> site

    Under Responsible for Themes choose the theme or themes you want the user to receive abstracts for

    Open image-20240510-052620.png

Click Save


To enable rolling reviews:

  1. Click Setup


  2. Click Submissions > Abstract settings


  3. Click review tab


  4. Click Enable Auto Assign


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