How To: Send Communication Emails

How To: Send Communication Emails

You can bulk email different types of users for a specific task or information.

Example: you want to email all reviewers for a specific theme who have not completed their reviews yet.

  1. Click Communication tab

    Open image-20240410-041928.png

  2. Click New Communication 

    Open image-20240410-041933.png

  3. Use the drop down to choose Authors

    Open image-20240410-041939.png

  4. Click Refine Selection to choose the parameters for who will get the email

    Open image-20240410-041945.png

  5. Apply Filter

  6. Write the email using Placeholders where necessary

    Open image-20240410-041951.png

Tip: Remember to complete the Text version in case recipients don't use HTML in their emails

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