Setting up Stripe
Open Stipe and the customers workspace.
Click on Registration management
Select from the left-hand panel, under settings, “Payment Methods”.
Select “Credit Card Payments”
Payment Gateway – select from the drop-down menu, “Stripe”
Click the hyperlink “Find keys in your stripe accounts dashboard” – this will link to stripe.
Select Dashboards from the top right-hand side of the screen.
Once on the screen, “Activate payments on your account”, select the setting icon on the top right-hand side of the screen, and click Developers.
Select API Keys.
Copy the key – Publishable Key and paste into evexus “Live mode publishable key (client-side key).
In Stripe – click on “reveal test key.” And copy “secret key”.
In evexus, paste into “Live mode secret key (Server-side key).
In Stripe, click on settings icon, Select Developers, and then Events.
From the top menu bar, select “Webhooks”, and click on Radio button “+ Add destination.”
Under the heading “Events” Scroll down to “Charge” and select all charge events. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click “Continue”.
Make sure “webhooks endpoint” is selected and click continue.
Under the field “Endpoint URL” enter the website https://{client's evexus URL}/api/v1/stripe_webhook – Then click “Create destination.” **Make sure you update to the client's evexus URL. ie that might be but if they are using a custom domain with us, it could be
Click “reveal” next to the description “Description Signing Secret”, and copy.
In evexus, paste into “Webhook secret”
Finally – enable this method, change to Enable, and then Save.