How To: Custom Pages

How To: Custom Pages


Pages are highly customisable, and can display any additional information that may be useful or relevant to your delegates. These Custom Pages allow for Page Sections, and can display a combination of text, images, videos, and embedded content to provide a rich experience.

You can restrict Custom Pages to specific Delegate Types if they have been configured. This allows you to specify which Delegate Types have access to certain content displayed on Custom Pages.


Create, edit and manage Custom Pages



  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard select the “Event Config” module and then “Pages” in the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform,

  2. Click "Create Page" 

  3. Within this page, you can now input all the information and data for your Custom Page.
    Complete the below fields to create your Page. (* denotes a mandatory field).

    • Name*

      • This is the Header text placed as the larger top text in the page header.

      • The text you input here will be the URL eg. FAQ = pages/faq

    • Page Content

      • Click the ‘Add Section’ button

      • There are 12 different types of options of sections for Custom Pages, please refer to the below for a detailed list.

    • Header Image

      • This appears as background image behind the Header text.

    • Primary Colour

      • This is the font colour within the Custom Page

      • You can input the specific HEX colour, or select the white field below to utilise the eye dropper, or set the RGB or HSL code for your desired colour palette.

      • The ‘primary colour’ hint is blank on the page so requires filling

    • Status

      • Enable or Disable the page status

    • Restrict Content

      • Select Private or Public. When set to private, the item will be restricted to the selected Delegate Types.

      • Choose Delegate Type

    • Click ‘Submit' or ‘Save and Add Another’

Page Content Overview

  • 100% Text

    • Display content as text only. Using the text editor to facilitate the desired requirements to convey the desired information.

      Open image-20240409-070254.png

  • 100% Image

    • Display content as image only, with an option to hyperlink

  • 2 Column (Text | Text)

    • Display content as 2 columns of text only.

  • 2 Column (Text | Image)

    • Display content in 2 columns. Left column as text, right as image.

  • 2 Column (Image | Text)

    • Display content in 2 columns. Left column is an image, right is text only.

  • 2 Column (Image | Image)

    • Display content as 2 columns image only.

  • 2 Column (Small Image | Large Text)

    • Display content in 2 columns. Left column as small image, right as large text.

  • 2 Column (Large Text | Small Image)

    • Display content in 2 columns. Left column as large image, right as small text.

  • Iframe Embed (Vimeo or YouTube)

    • Embed Vimeo or YouTube link via the page.

  • Iframe Embed

    • Embed a URL into the page. (Ensure URL is displaying as desired, as URLs displays can differ).

  • Custom HTML

    • Display content using HTML code. This gives the section more flexibility around formatting of the content. 


Once all content has been entered the Custom Pages will be created for your Users/Delegates to view. To access Custom Pages via the Homepage Menu, see "How To: Menus" item.

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