How To: Home Page Sections

How To: Home Page Sections


This function allows you to Enable, Disable and reorder the Sections that display on the Home Page.


  • Manage Home Page Sections.



  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the “Event Config” module then “Home Page” via the charcoal navigational bar on the left hand side.

  2. Click the “Home Page Sections” tab on top of the screen

  • From the black “Actions” button on this page you can:

    • Enable/Disable Sections

    • Edit Home Page Sections

    • Delete Home Page Sections

  • You can also rearrange the order in which they display on the Home Page through using the up and down arrows on the left of the black “Actions” button to move it up and down.

Tip: If you click the up/down arrow multiple times in quick succession, it will change however many positions you click in one go.

Section Notes

Hero Header

The Hero Header content can be updated via Global Setup > Events > blue Edit pencil > Event Hero Header Line, Event Hero Tagline, Event Hero Sub Header and Hero Cover Image.

Location Banner

The Location Banner details can be updated via Global Setup > Events > Events > black “Actions” button > blue Edit pencil > Event Dates and Event Venue.

The Feature Video can be updated via Global Setup > Events > Events > black “Actions” button > blue Edit pencil > Home Page Featured Video.

Call to Action

The Call to Action content can be updated via Global Setup > Events > Events > black “Actions” button > blue Edit pencil > CTA Text and CTA Image.


The About content can be updated via Global Setup > Events > Events > black “Actions” button > blue Edit pencil > About Header, About Text and About Image.


The Speakers section refers to Speakers you have Set as Featured. Please note that they will not display unless they have a Profile Image.


The Testimonials content can be updated via Event Config > Home Page > Testimonials tab on top of the screen.

Event Statistics

The Event Statistics content can be updated via Event Config > Home Page > Home Page Statistics tab on top of the screen. 


The Announcements content can be updated via Engagement > Announcements > Announcements tab on top of the screen.


The Themes section refers to Themes you have enabled as Featured. Please note that they will not display on the Home Page unless you Feature at least two Themes.


The Exhibitors section refers to Exhibitors you have enabled as Featured.


The Sponsors section refers to Sponsors you have enabled as Featured.


The Talks section refers to Talks you have enabled as Featured.

Custom HTML

The Custom HTML section can be updated via Global Setup > Events > Events > black “Actions” button > blue Edit pencil > Custom HTML. Please note that the Custom HTML field within the Event Settings is not visible to anyone who isn't a Super Admin User.


Home Page Sections will appear/disappear and display in the order in which you'd like them to. 

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