How To: Meetings

How To: Meetings


Setup and manage Meetings within the Platform. 


  1. Created a Tenant
  2. Created an Event
  3. Enabled the Event's Meeting Capability


Enable the Events Meeting capabilities 

Setting up Event Options for Meetings & Networking Features

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the "Events" module and then "Events" via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.
  2. Click the black ‘Actions’ button and then 'Event Features' from the dropdown to the right of the Event you wish to edit. 
  3. Find (CTRL+F/Command+F) "My Network & Following Feature" and Enable this feature to turn on the my network feature, following other users and the attendee list.
  4. Click "Submit" to save these changes

Meeting Types

Meeting Types allow Admin users to configure multiple types of Meetings with different durations, applying to either Users, Exhibitors, Sponsors or a combination of all three.

At least one Meeting Type must be enabled before Meetings can be scheduled.

How to Setup Meeting Types: 

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to "Engagement" module and then "Meetings" via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.
  2. Click the ‘Meeting Types’ tab on top of the screen and then "Create Meeting Type".
  3. Within the "Create Meeting Type" page, complete all the relevant fields (mandatory fields are marked with an *):
  1. Meeting Name (examples below):
    1. Connect with our Sponsor & Exhibitors
    2. Connect with a Delegate
  2. Description
  3. Meeting Duration (maximum 60 minutes)
  4. Meeting Type Available To
    1. Select either User, Exhibitor or Sponsor, or a combination of all three. 
  5. Update the Status to Enabled or Disabled (Meetings Types can be setup prior to the Event and Enabled at a later date).
      4. Once all the required fields have been completed, click Submit. 

Scheduled Meetings 


  1. Created a Tenant
  2. Created an Event
  3. Created at least one Meeting Type
  4. Configured the Meeting Trigger Notifications
Scheduled Meetings in evexus are a useful way of connecting Delegates, Exhibitors and Sponsors. Allowing Users to schedule meetings at a specific time, using audio, video, and screen sharing functionalities.

Each Meeting Type defines the parameters of the meeting, allowing Users to schedule their own meetings.

Meeting Bookings

To book a Meeting, Users need to;

  1. Click "Book a Meeting" on the User, Exhibitor or Sponsor's profile
  2. Follow the booking process, select the person, meeting name, and description. 
  3. You will need to select either an 'In Person' or 'Virtual' meeting, followed up the specified time limit - 15 minute catch up, or 30 minute discussion. 
  4. The User who requested the meeting will see a Meeting Pending confirmation. The invited User is sent a meeting request notification where the User can either Approve or Reject the request.
  5. Should the meeting invitation be accepted, it is then confirmed and the Meeting will appear in the User's respective calendars. 
  6. Should the meeting invitation be rejected, the Meeting request is cancelled and both User's will receive a notification.

Attending a Meeting

From the users dashboard, they are able to see their agenda which is where any meetings booked will populate. Users can directly connect to the meetings experience. Once connected, users can join with audio, video and optionally screen sharing too. 

Admin Created Meetings

Admin Users can create Meetings on behalf of Users. These Meetings appear on the User's calendar without requiring User approval and will automatically enable Users to join the Meeting at the scheduled time.

Enable Meeting Trigger Notifications 

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to "Marketing" module, then "Notifications" via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.
  2. Click the ‘Trigger Notifications’ tab on top of the screen.
  3. From this page, you can filter out the "Meeting" emails by typing Meeting in the search bar on the right:

      4. From here, ensure that for all of the relevant emails you set "Send Email" to ‘Enabled’. 


Once Meeting Types have been setup, Event Features, Event Setup and Notifications are enabled, Users will now be able to schedule and complete Meetings within the evexus event website/platform. 


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