How To: Networking Rooms

How To: Networking Rooms


Networking Rooms are a great way to allow delegates to interact with one another. Sponsors, Exhibitors and Speakers for networking, workshop and demonstration purposes.

The maximum capacity of a Networking Room is 16 people.

Networking Rooms have the ability for delegates to interact via video, audio, text-based chat and share their screen.


  1. Created a Tenant
  2. Created an Event
  3. Enabled the Event's Meeting capability
  4. Set up Day/s in Agenda Setup


Enable the Events Meeting capabilities 

Event Setup for Meetings & Working Features

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to "Events" module and then "Events" via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.
  2. Click the black ‘Actions’ button and then the blue pencil “Edit” icon to the right of the relevant Event to edit.
  3. Enable "Video Meetings" as per below screenshot.

4.  Click "Submit" to save these changes

Setting Up Networking Rooms / Round Table Rooms

Before the Networking Rooms can be accessed, a User will need to be loaded within the platform to act as a 'Host'. Learn how to "Create a User" here. 
  1. The 'Host' User must be set up with Generic Details (such as the Event or Tenant Name) however it will require a unique email address.
  2. Once the 'Host' User has been created, proceed with the 'Networking Room' setup.

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to "Engagement" module and then "Networking Rooms" via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.
  2. From this page, click "Create Networking Room".
  3. Within the "Create Networking Room" page, you can now complete all the mandatory and additional information for this Networking Room / Round Table
    1. Name
    2. Description
    3. Day
    4. Start Time
    5. End Time
    6. Host
      1. This is the 'Host' User created earlier. 
    7. Admin Meeting
      1. This needs to be set to Enabled for the Networking Room to function. 
    8. Index Image
      1. Upload File
    9. Click “Create Networking room” or “Save and Add Another”


Once you have setup your Networking Room with all the information, your Networking Room will appear on the Networking Rooms URL: /networking_rooms

Please note: The Networking Rooms only be visible at the designated start time. 

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