How To: Send Bulk Emails

How To: Send Bulk Emails


Bulk Notifications are a method of sending Notifications to multiple delegates, delegate type or users.


There are currently ten Notifications available to send via Bulk Notifications and the ones bolded, are the ones which are most commonly used to send as a Bulk Notification. 

  1. reset_password_instructions

  2. user_import_mailer

    • This has the option to send a 'Set Your Password' link, or a Magic Link to login to the Platform without a password. 

  3. register_account

  4. registration_invoice_confirm_notifier

  5. registration_invoice_paid_notifier

  6. session_introduction

  7. talk_status_notifier

  8. speaker_instruction

    • This does not have any login options, this is only used to send text

  9. user_defined

    1. This does not have any login options, this is only used to send text

  10. cpd_certificate


  • Created a Tenant

  • Created an Event

  • Permissions Granted of "Global Administrator" 

    • Please request access from your Account Manager if you believe you do not have the correct permissions.

Instructions - Setup Trigger Email

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the “Marketing” module and then 'Notifications' via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side.

  2. Click the 'Trigger Notifications' tab on top of the screen to view a list of the emails you can send from the platform

  3. Click the black 'Actions' button to the right of the email you are wishing to edit, then click 'Edit' from the dropdown

  4. Once you are within the editing screen, work from the top down to update the relevant information. If you need a template, please contact your Account Manager for one based on your requirements. 

    • Subject Line - this is the subject line for the email. Try and keep this short and concise as this will be in each Users email inbox

    • From Name - this is the name the email will come from. If nothing is inputted here, the Company Name from the Tenant will be used. 

    • Header Text - this does not need to be completed as you would have an email banner setup for your event. (You can upload this via editing the Tenant, under Global Setup)

    • Email Body - update and change the relevant wording which will be sent to each relevant delegate. The default is the below for the 'user_import_mailer'

      "Hello {{fullname}},

      We look forward to seeing you at the event. Click this link {{url}} to set your password and complete your profile.

      To login into your account without a password please use this link {{login_link}}, this link will expire after {{expiry}}"

      • Please refer to this document about which additional fields can be used for each emails: <insert link here once document is ready> 

        • Within the fields above, please see below details about what each do:

          • {{fullname}}

            • This is the User's full name

          • {{url}}

            • This URL can only be clicked once, and allows a User to set their password. 

          • {{login_link}} & {{expiry}}

            • These links relate to the Magic Link Login Function. 

              • {{login_link}} = This links allows Users to login without a password. This can be used multiple times. 

              • {{expiry}} = This is the expiry of the link once the email has been sent. Default is 28 days. 

      • Regarding the above fields, it's best to only choose URL or login link and not use both as it might confuse your Delegates/Users. 

    • Footer Text - This is shown within the Footer Banner with the social icons and contact email

    • Send Email - Update this to Enabled to complete testing. 

      • Please note - if you enable this and then input or import users, they will get the email so until you are ready to send your bulk email - it's best to leave this disabled. 

    • Push Notification Info

      • Title

      • Body

  5. Once you are happy with all of the information you have inputted into your email, click Submit. 

  6. To send yourself a test to ensure all the User fields are working and you are happy with the layout, navigate to 'Bulk Notifications' tab op top of the screen. 

  7. Find the email you just updated and click the black “Actions” button to the right hand side and click 'Send Bulk Notification' from the dropdown

  8. From ‘Choose Users’, search your name. Then click "Submit" which will send you the email. 

  9. From here, complete the steps above to update any of the content until you are happy with the email which it to be sent out to the relevant Users.

Instructions - Send Bulk Email

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the “Marketing” module and then 'Notifications' via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side.

  2. Select 'Bulk Notifications' to view a list of the emails you can bulk send from the platform.

  3. Choose the relevant email and click the black 'Actions' button to the right hand side then select 'Send Bulk Notification'. 

  4. Choose who you would like to send the email to:

    1. Selected Delegate Types

      1. Only Active Delegate Types with registrations will show in this list. 

      2. Only Users with a Completed & Approved or Completed & Confirmed registration will be sent the email.

    2. All Complete Registrations 

      1. Only Users with a Completed & Approved or Completed & Confirmed registration will be sent the email. 

    3. All Users

      1. If you select All Users, this will send to All of the User Accounts within the Platform. 

      2. If you have a Multi-Event Platform with Registration Enabled, you should not be using this and only using Delegate Types to send your bulk emails.

  5. Once you are happy with your selections, click 'Submit' which will commence sending your email to all the relevant Users you have chosen.

  6. To check the status of your email sending, it's best to check the reporting. To access the report, navigate to “Reports” tab on top of the screen and then ‘Sent Emails’ from the dropdown.


  • If you are sending to quite a number of Users, please wait 5 - 10 minutes for the email to send to ALL of the Users or Delegate Types you have selected.

  • Good practice is to know how many people this should have sent too and crosscheck the last ID used for an email and add on the qty of emails you are expected to send to know when all the emails have been sent. For example, the last ID used is #80 and you have 281 registration, the final ID number should be about #361. 


Your bulk email will be sent to all relevant Users. 

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