How To: Trigger Notifications

How To: Trigger Notifications


Trigger Notifications are a key method of communicating with stakeholders and are part of the Notifications functionality. There are a wide range of Trigger Notification types, each one used for a different piece of functionality.

Trigger Notifications are sent based on a User's action in the Platform. This includes items like Registration Confirmations and Password Changes.

Each Notification is created with default content that can be customised to suit your needs.

All Trigger Notifications are Disabled by default and must be enabled by an Admin.


  • Edit and manage Trigger Notifications



Edit Trigger Notifications:

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the “Marketing” module and then “Notifications” via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.

  2. Click the ‘Trigger Notifications' tab on top of the screen

  3. Click the black ‘Actions’ button and then the ‘Edit’ pencil to the far-right of the notification you would like to edit.

  4. Within the 'Subject Line' field, add a subject line for the email.

  5. Within the 'From Line' field, add who you would like the email to be sent from. Or, you can leave it blank, and it will be sent from the name of the Tenant.

  6. Within the 'Header Text' field, enter a line of text that to display in the header banner of the email. This line will not be visible if you have added an Image to the Email Header Banner Image section in the Tenant settings, see "How To: Create Tenant"

  7. Within the 'Email Body' field, input the body of the email you'd like to send. Do not edit/copy/paste any of the strings defined in {{ }} or as {% %} as they are hardcoded into the particular Trigger Notification and will be replaced by dynamic content.

  8. Within the 'Footer Text' field, add a line of text to display in the footer banner of the email.

  9. Under 'Send Email', select Enabled.

  10. Click 'Submit'.

  11. Under the 'Send Email' column, once a notification is Enabled, it will say 'True'. If Disabled, it will say 'False'.

Test Trigger Notifications:

Prior to enabling a Trigger Notification, you may wish to send yourself a test to proof first.

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the “Marketing” module and then 'Notifications' via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.

  2. Click the ‘Trigger Notifications’ tab on top of the screen.

  3. Click the black “Actions” button and then 'Send a Test Email' from the dropdown to the far-right of the applicable notification. 

  4. Within the 'Send To' field, input your email address.

  5. Click 'Send Test Email', and you should receive the email shortly.

Please note that any inbuilt links within the email will be generic URLs for testing purposes only, not valid addresses.


List of Trigger Notifications

A list of Trigger Notifications, their inclusions and when they're triggered to send if Enabled:

Trigger Notification



Metadata refers to data providing information about one or more aspects of the data; that is data that can be allocated on Delegates based on their movement on the platform. If enabled, any status associated to this item that has a notification setup will send a notification to the affected Admin


sent to Delegates when they are added/imported as a User onto the platform. It contains a personalised link to the platform to set their password, as well as a Magic Link to log into the platform without setting their password and an expiry date for that Magic Link.


sent to an Exhibitor when Admin approve their Exhibitor application.


sent to an Exhibitor to notify them that their Exhibition application has been received but has NOT been approved.


sent to an Exhibitor to notify them that their Exhibitor application has been received and is pending.


sent to the email address linked to a Sponsor/Exhibitor booth when a Delegate submits a Lead form. It contains the name of the User, as well as the contents of the completed Lead form.


sent to the Delegate who proposed a meeting with another Delegate when their invitation is accepted. It contains a link to the profile page of the person who accepted the meeting, a link to join the meeting, as well as all the meeting details (date, time etc.).


sent to the Delegates concerned when a meeting is cancelled. 


sent to the Delegate who proposed a meeting with another Delegate when the invitation is rejected.


sent to the email address input within the 'Support Email' field under the Tenant settings when a Delegate submits a Contact form. It contains the name of the User, as well as the contents of the completed Contact form.


sent to a Delegate when another Delegate proposes a meeting with them. It contains a link to the profile page of the person who proposed the meeting, a link to join the meeting, as well as all the meeting details (date, time etc.).


sent to a Delegate when they create a User Account. This template is often edited to firstly thank the Delegate for creating a User Account, but to prompt them to continue the journey and Register for an event.


sent to a Delegate when Admin approve their Registration application. Delegate Type specific instructions can be included.


sent to a Delegate when their Registration is cancelled by Admin. Delegate Type specific instructions can be included. 


sent to a Delegate who elects to pay via Invoice, with their invoice attached, noting that their Registration is not complete until payment is received. Delegate Type specific instructions can be included.


sent to a Delegate who completes payment via Credit Card, or to a Delegate whose funds have been confirmed as received by Admin if paying via Invoice. Delegate Type specific instructions can be included.


sent to a Delegate to notify them that their Registration application has been received and is pending. Delegate Type specific instructions can be included.


sent to a Delegate when Admin reject their Registration application. Delegate Type specific instructions can be included.


sent to a Delegate when they click 'Forgot Your Password?' on the Log In page. Includes a link to reset their password.


sent to a Delegate when they have successfully registered for a Session. Includes Session details. 


sent to a Speaker to notify them that they have invited to speak at the Event. Email includes a link for the Speaker to complete their speaker profile.


sent to a speaker as a reminder to complete their speaker profile


sent to a Sponsor to notify them that their Exhibitor application has been received and is pending.


sent to a Sponsor to notify them that their Sponsor application has been received but has NOT been approved.


sent to a Sponsor to notify them that their Exhibitor application has been received and is pending.


sent to a Delegate when they have uploaded content for their Talk


Metadata refers to data providing information about one or more aspects of the data; that is data that can be allocated on Delegates based on their movement on the platform. If enabled, any status associated to this item that has a notification setup will send a notification to the affected users/exhibitors/speakers


sent to a Speaker to notify them that there has been a speaker profile created for them and to request they reset their password.


sent to a Delegate when they click 'Email Certificate' on their 'My CPD' dashboard. Includes a copy of the Certificate and a breakdown of the units earned.


sent to a Delegate when the email address assigned to their User Account has been changed.


sent to a Delegate when Admin click the black 'Send User a Login Link' button on the User list page. It contains a link that will automatically log the Delegate in once clicked. How long the link is valid for can be set via the 'Login Link Expiration Length' field under Tenant settings.


sent to a Delegate when their password has been changed.


sent to a Delegate when their Talk submission has been accepted by Admin.


sent to a Delegate when the content they have uploaded for their Talk has been rejected by Admin.


sent to a Delegate when their email is used in a Group Registration, inviting them to complete their profile. 


sent to a Delegate when their email is already existing in the system and their email has been used for Group Registration again. This should detail how to get in touch with the registration organisers to check on their event attendance. 


The below is the current list of trigger notiifications,
  1. Alert: Changes Detected
  2. An update has been made
  3. Complete Your Profile
  4. [{{event_short_name}}] leads
  5. Exhibitor Acceptance Notifier
  6. Exhibitor Rejection Notifier
  7. Exhibitor Submission Notifier
  8. Footer
  9. %{fullname} - %{email} has unsubscribed from the {{tenant_name}} Arinex One Platform
  10. Group Registration Cancelled
  11. Group Registration Invoice
  12. Group Registration Invoice Payment Confirmed
  13. Header
  14. Lead Notifier Mailer
  15. Meeting Request Accepted
  16. Meeting Request Cancelled
  17. Meeting Request Rejected
  18. New Contact Form Submitted
  19. New Meeting Request
  20. New Task Assignment: {{task_name}}
  21. Pass Code Token
  22. Post comment notification
  23. Register your Account
  24. Registration Acceptance Notifier
  25. Registration cancellation request - Event {{event_name}} - User {{user_id}}: {{fullname}}
  26. Registration Cancelled
  27. Registration Invitation Letter
  28. Registration Invoice Confirm Notifier
  29. Registration Invoice Paid Notifier
  30. Registration Pending Notifier
  31. Registration Rejection Notifier
  32. Reset Your Password
  33. Session Information - {{session_title}} - {{event_name}}
  34. Session Registration
  35. Someone has contacted you regarding your ePoster - {{eposter_title}}
  36. Speaker Instructions
  37. Speaker Profile Created
  38. Sponsor Acceptance Notifier
  39. Sponsor Rejection Notifier
  40. Sponsor Submission Notifier
  41. Talk Acceptance Notifier
  42. Talk Content Uploaded Successfully
  43. Talk Rejection Notifier
  44. Talk Submission Notifier
  45. Talk Submissions Status - {{event_name}}
  46. Task Due: {{task_name}}
  47. Task Reminder: {{task_name}}
  48. [{{user_name}}] contacts
  49. We have an update for you
  50. Welcome to {{event_name}}
  51. You have a new Notification
  52. You have been invited as a guest
  53. You have been registered for {{event_name}} by {{registrant_name}}
  54. Your CPD Certificate
  55. Your download for {{eposter_title}} is ready
  56. Your Email Has Been Updated
  57. Your Form Submission Was Successful
  58. Your invitation has been cancelled
  59. Your Login Link
  60. Your Password Has Been Changed
  61. Your refund has been processed
  62. Your Session Calendar is Here
  63. Your Talk Content has been Approved
  64. Your Talk Content has been Rejected
  65. Your talk content is available for download.
  66. You've been registered to attend {{event_name}}
  67. You've been registered to attend {{event_name}}

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