Setup the framework for the Agenda to be added.
Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, click 'Change Module' in to the top right, and select the “Agenda” module via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side. Complete the Agenda Setup in the following in order:
“Themes” > “Themes” tab > “Create Theme” (mandatory)
Default Created: Presentations
Themes (Tracks, Disciplines, Sections) are the primary categorisation of content in the evexus event website/platform.
Themes are a mandatory element of each Event as they are assigned to Talks, Session, Exhibitors, Speakers etc.
To create additional themes, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click 'Create Theme'. This will open up a new page for you to input the details. The mandatory fields are Name & Theme Color.
“Talks” > “Talk Types” tab > “Create Talk Types” (mandatory)
Default Created: Presentation
Talk Types are used to categorise and track various types of Talks at the Event. Each Talk can be assigned to one Talk Type.
Talk Types should be reflective of the various types of Talks. For example; Keynote, Plenary Talk, Concurrent Talk, Invited Talk, and Sponsored Talk, could be used to denote the three key types of Talks.
To create additional Talk Types, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click 'Create Talk Type'. This will open up a new page for you to input the details. The mandatory fields are Name & Summary. These fields can be the same as Summary is not shown anywhere for attendees/registrants to see.
“Speakers” > “Speaker Types” tab > “Create Speaker Types”
“Sessions” > “Session Types” tab > “Create Session Types”
“Rooms” > “Rooms” tab > “Create Rooms” (mandatory if live stream)
Default Created: Room
Rooms are individual locations that are used to Schedule Sessions.
Each Room should relate directly to a space in a Venue (for Hybrid/In-Person Events), or to an individual stream of content for a Virtual Event.
Each Room is used to manage Agenda availability, and no room can have two Sessions running concurrently.
Each Room automatically creates a Live Stream for each Day it is in use, based on settings in the room creation.
To create additional Room/s, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click 'Create Room. This will open up a new page for you to input the details. The mandatory field is Name. In this page, you can also set a Room Color, and setup the room for the requirements. If your event is being managed by evexus or Arinex for a livestream, please ensure 'ArinexOne Operated' is enabled. If your event is an In-Person event only, and does not have any livestreams, please disable 'ArinexOne Operated' and keep 'Room Configuration' set to 'Streamed/In-Person Room'. Always leave 'Zoom Host' blank if visible.
“Rooms” > “Rooms” tab > “Create Room Groups” (if applicable)
Default Created: Rooms
Room Groups are a logical grouping of all Rooms, either virtual or in a Venue. These are often to denote a Level or Section within a Venue and should match your Venue(s) naming convention.
To create additional Room Groups, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click 'Create Room Group. This will open up a new page for you to input the details. The mandatory field is Name.
“Rehearsals” > “Rehearsal Types” tab > “Create Rehearsal Types” (if applicable)
Rehearsal Types are used to represent the different types of Rehearsals used by the Event. These types are often different between each Event and can be configured to suit your requirements.
You can add any Additional Fields if you wish to capture additional information for a particular rehearsal type. For example, you could capture information about a particular stage's layout or technical requirements.
When creating a Rehearsal Type provide the name and an informative description for people who are attending the Rehearsal.
Some common types of Rehearsals include;
Rehearsal Type |
Dress Rehearsal / Run Through | A complete run through from start to finish, including all technical checks |
Technical Rehearsal | A run through with technical stakeholders to confirm the requirements |
Blocking Rehearsal | A high level run through of requirements with all stakeholders |
“ Days” > “Create Day” (mandatory)
Default Created: All days created based on the days setup when event is created. Example, if the event is from 18 - 21 September, all 4 days with be created. 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st September.
All Event 'Days' are to be added during this step.
Days are a fundamental concept in the evexus event website/platform. All Sessions, Talks, Live Streams, Meetings, and availabilities are driven by these Day records.
One record should be created for each Day that anything is scheduled, this includes social functions, pre-event days, and any ancillary events.
When creating the Event Date & Start/End Times, it is important to use the time zone that the Event will be held in.
“Themes” > “Agenda Categories” > “Create Agenda Category”
Agenda Categories are used to provide additional information to Delegates about a Talk or Session and can be used for any categorisation in addition to Themes.
Agenda Categories do not replace Themes, but can compliment to Theme selections. Themes are the primary categorisation of all items in the evexus event website/platfrom and Agenda Categories should be treated as a secondary categorisation only.
Create Agenda Categories as an additional element for filtering.
Use Agenda Categories only when Themes are not providing sufficient filtering capabilities
Agenda Setup is now complete and you are now able to input the Agenda.
Further Reading
Agenda Input