How to: Agenda Input

How to: Agenda Input


Input the Agenda within the platform. The Agenda page is the central view for the entire Event Agenda. 


  1. Created a Tenant
  2. Created an Event
  3. Agenda Setup


To input an Event Agenda/Program/Schedule, you need to load in the Session/s first and then load in the Talk/s relevant to each of those session. 


How to load in a Session into the Agenda?
  1. Access the functionality via the "Agenda" module and then "Sessions" which is found via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.
  2. Click "Create Session" at the bottom of the page 
  3. Work from the top to the bottom of the Create Session page and complete the details you wish to utilise for your Session. 
    Note: the below fields are mandatory and need to be completed for you to save or update the each Session:
  1. Name 
  2. Session Type
  3. Theme/s
  4. Day 
  5. Room
  6. Start Time
  7. Duration 
4. Once you have completed the fields within the Session, you can either ‘Submit’ or ‘Save and Add Another’.

What is a Session?
  1. Sessions are the highest level of Agenda Programming. Sessions are like a Calendar reservation, reserving a Room for a block of time on a Day.
  2. Simply, this reserves a room so that Talks can be assigned within the Session.
  3. Each Session can have multiple Talks assigned within a Session, up to the reservation length of the Session.
  4. No Session can overlap another Session's booking in the same room, but Sessions can occur directly after each other.
  5. All Talks must be scheduled within a Session in the Agenda.
  6. Sessions can be assigned to multiple Themes, be assigned a Session Type.
  7. Sessions can be moderated or facilitated by one or more Users (Session Chairs/Moderators). These Users are listed on the Session Show page.
  8. Sessions can be configured with a range of images and content to provide additional information to Users.

What is a Session Moderator/Session Facilitator/Session Chair?
  1. Sessions can be moderated or facilitated by one or more Users (Session Chairs/Moderators). These Users are listed on the Session Show page.

How do I link a Session Moderator/Session Facilitator/Session Chair to a Session?
  1. Within your "Create Session" or "Edit Session" page, you will see the below section "Facilitators" which is where you can link one or more Facilitators to your specific Talk. This will change based on what your Moderators are named within your Nomenclature but the most common are Session Moderator, Session Facilitator, Session Chair, Moderator, Facilitator or Chairperson.
  2. You can either choose your User Account from the list if you click within the box, or you can type your User Acccount's name in and they will show for you to choose. 

Session Scheduler
If you need to reorder your Talks within your Session, you can use the Session Scheduler. The Session Scheduler can be found in the dropdown under the black “Actions” button to the right of your session.
When you click this, it will bring you to the Session Scheduler, where you can now reorder your Talks. You can use the arrows on the right hand side to order the Talks in the order you require.

The order that the Talks show within the Session Scheduler, will be the order they show within the Agenda.


How do I load a Talk into the Agenda?
  1. Access the functionality via the "Agenda" module and then "Talks" which is found via the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.
  2. Click "Create Talk" at the bottom of the page. 
  3. Work from the top to the bottom of the Create Talk page and complete the details you wish to utilise for your Talk. 
    Note: the below fields are mandatory and need to be completed for you to save or update the each Talk:
    1. Name 
    2. Description
    3. Theme/s
    4. Talk Type
    5. Talk Contributors
      1. If you do not have any Authors, and only Speakers to include in your talk, please scroll down and click 'remove'
      2. If you do have Authors for your talk, the below fields are required:
        1. first name, last name, email, and author type
    6. Duration 
    7. Assign Talk to a Session (if the talk is an ePoster, this is not mandatory)
4. Once you have completed the fields within the Talk, you can either ‘Submit’ or ‘Save and Add Another’.

What is a Talk and How do they function?
  1. Talks should be treated as the smallest reservation of time, with one or more Talks assigned to Sessions
  2. A talk Start Time is calculated automatically from the Session it is assigned to and it's position within the Session
  3. Talks in the evexus event website/platform are a representation of one or more Speakers talking about a single topic. Talks can be delivered in a variety of different mechanisms, ranging from a single person delivering a talk in-person to multiple remote and in-person Speakers holding a Debate or Panel discussion.
  4. Talks can be assigned one or more Speakers, as well as one or more Authors.
  5. Once Talks are approved they are visible in the Platform.

What is an ePoster Talk?
  1. Talks can be configured as 'ePosters' and share all of the same functionalities as a regular Talk, but can optionally have an image/PDF/Video/Embedded content available for Delegates to view and interact with.
  2. ePosters have their own index view, allowing for easy filters of specific ePoster content.
  3. ePosters can be submitted as part of the Abstract Submission process.
  4. ePosters can also be assigned to Sessions, allowing for a live Presentation by Speakers as well as ePoster content.

What is a Speaker or Author? (Talk Contributors) 

  1. Speakers are an extension of a User profile in the evexus event website/platform.
  2. Each Speaker represents a Person who is contributing to one or more Talks during an Event.
  3. Each Speaker profile can be associated with multiple Talks across multiple Events.
  4. Speakers must be assigned a Speaker Type, allowing for segmentation of multiple Types of Speakers.
  1. Authors are associated with Talks and are non-participating contributors to the Talk. This is helpful for scientific & education Abstracts where there may be one or more Speakers but a number of non-participating contributors to the Talk.
  2. Authors are not created with Profiles, images, or other attributions, and are only shown on the Talk Page as a list of names and professional associations, unlike Speakers.
How do I link Speaker/s to the Talk?
  1. Within your "Create Talk" or "Edit Talk" page, you will see the below section "Talk Contributors" which is where you can link one or more Speakers to your specific Talk. You can either choose your Speaker from the list if you click within the box, or you can type your Speakers name in and they will show for you to choose. 

There are 2 main ways to input the Agenda into your Event. Please refer to the below overview of the order around how to complete each of the requirements for the Agenda. 
  1. Load in all of your Sessions for all days of your Agenda and then load in all of your Talks underneath those already loaded Sessions. 
  2. Load in a Session then load in any and all relevant Talks to that Session. Once the first Session and Talk/s has been completed, move onto the next Session and Talk/s.

Alternative Sessions View Option

Session Index View

The Sessions index view shows all Sessions for the Event. This allows Users to browse through the Sessions, apply filters, and click through to see more information about each Session, including the Session Program.

This view will show any Featured Sessions first, with all Sessions sorted by alphabetical order or in chronological order based on the relevant event feature used. 

URL: /sessions

Permissions: Only available to logged in Users

Configuration Options
  1. Sessions can be hidden in the Event by turning off the Event Feature
  2. Session content can be hidden or shown based on the Users permissions for the Event and the Event Features Setup

Alternative Talks View Option


The Talks index view shows all Talks for the Event. This allows Users to browse through the Talks, apply filters, and click through to see more information about each Talk.

This view will show any Featured Talks first, with all Sessions sorted by alphabetical order or in chronological order based on the relevant event feature used. 

URL: /talks

Permissions: Only available to logged in Users

Configuration Options
  1. Talks can be hidden in the Event by turning off the Event Feature
  2. Talk content can be hidden or shown based on the Users permissions for the Event and the Event Features Setup

ePoser Talk View Option



Once complete, your Agenda will be live and visible on the /agenda page within your Event or via the Index View Pages.

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