How To: Session & Event Surveys

How To: Session & Event Surveys


Create, edit and manage Session Surveys & Event Surveys.


  1. Created a Tenant
  2. Created an Event
  3. Created a Session (If you wish to use the Survey for Session/s) 


  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, click 'Change Module' then click 'Engagement'. From here, you can see the options on the left hand side. Click 'Surveys' from the list.
  2. From this page, click "Create Survey" which will now open up the next page where you can now input your Survey details. 
  3. Within the "Create Survey" page, you can now complete all the mandatory and additional information for the Survey
  1. Name - mandatory
  2. Start Date - mandatory
  3. End Date - mandatory
  4. Choose Session - if you do not allocate to any Session, this will be an Event Survey. 
    1. Select all Session this relates to
  5. Index Image
    1. Upload an image to be shown on the Index Page
  6. Enabled
    1. Mark the Survey as Enabled or Disabled
  7. Default Survey
    1. Set this survey to be the default survey used for all sessions
    2. If you require your Survey to be a Event Survey, Default Survey needs to be disabled. 
  8. Assessment
    1. Convert the Survey to an Assessment by enabling.
    2. If you are not using the Survey as an assessment, skip Pass Score & Reattempt Limit
  9. Pass Score (percentage of correct answers needed to pass this assessment)
  10. Reattempt Limit (number of times the respondent can attempt the assessment)

      4. Once you have completed these details, you can now click ‘Submit’ to save your Survey or Assessment. 

      5. To input your questions, click the black ‘Actions’ button’ on the right hand side, and ‘Edit’ your survey.
      Please refer to the below section regarding Field Type Options to assist with inputting your questions.
      For each question you will need to click "Add Question" for a new section to show for you to input.

Field Type Options

  1. String
  2. Email
  3. Website
  4. Number
  5. Date
  6. Date time
  7. Hex colour
  8. Radio boxes
  9. Check boxes
  10. Drop down 
  11. File 
  12. Rich text area
          6. Once you have inputted all of your questions, you can now press Submit. 
          7. If you have created an event Survey, you will need to add it to front end via Menu's. Please refer to How To: Menus for instructions on how to do this. 

    How do Users Access the Session Surveys? 

    Users will be able to access the Session Survey via clicking on Menu, then Program, then click into the corresponding session. 

    From here, they can click "Complete The Survey" which will bring them to the Survey page. Please note that the Survey will not appear on this page until the Session has commenced.

    The Survey Page will look similar to this, but will show the relevant questions you have inputted when you set up your Survey. 

    Once the User has answered the questions, they will need to Submit their answers.

    Please note that Users can only complete the Survey once. 

    How do Users Access the Event Surveys?

    Users will be able to access the Survey via the URL Slug: /surveys

    This URL will usually be linked via a Menu Icon or similar. This page shows all of the Surveys which are not linked to a Session. 

    Users will need to click on their Survey they wish to complete from the list if there are multiple. Once clicked, the
    Survey Page will look similar to this, but will show the relevant questions you have inputted when you set up your Survey.

    Once the User has answered the questions, they will need to Submit their answers.
    Please note that Users can only complete the Survey once. 


    1. Session Surveys will not appear on the Session page until the Session has commences.
    2. There is very limited reporting on Session Surveys. Please liaise with your Client Support executive to confirm your requirements to ensure these Surveys will be suitable for your Event and Survey requirements including end Reporting requirements. 


    Once complete, Users will have the opportunity to complete Session Surveys which are linked to all or selected Sessions. 

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