How To: Sponsors

How To: Sponsors


  • Create a Sponsor Tier

  • Create a Sponsor (booth)



To create a Sponsor Tier:

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the “Exhibition” module and then “Sponsor” via the charcoal navigational bar on the left hand side.

  2. Click the “Sponsor Tiers” tab on top of the screen and then 'Create Sponsor Tier'.

  3. Within the 'Name' field, enter the name of the Sponsor Tier, note this is a mandatory field.

  4. Within the 'Summary' field, enter the name of the Sponsor Tier again, note this is a mandatory field. 

  5. Under 'Sponsor Tier Colour', select the colour you'd like the name of the Sponsor Tier to appear in on the Home Page (if the Sponsor Home Page Section is Enabled and you have enabled a Sponsor as Featured) and Sponsor List Page (or skip this step to remain as default colour).

  6. Within the 'Order' field, enter a number to dictate what position you'd like this Tier to appear in when listed on the Home Page and Sponsor Page. Lower numbers are shown at the top of pages.

  7. Within the 'Logo Size' field, enter a relative size to be used when displaying the logo on the Home Page and the Sponsor Page. It works like a percentage. A value of 100 indicates normal size while a smaller number reduces the size of the logo accordingly.

  8. Click 'Submit' or 'Save and Add Another'.

Note: Sponsor Tier will not display on list unless a Sponsor has been added to the Tier.


To create a Sponsor (booth):

  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard, navigate to the “Exhibition” module and then “Sponsor” via the charcoal navigational bar on the left hand side.

  2. Click the “Sponsors” tab on top of the screen and then 'Create Sponsor'.

  3. Under ‘Sponsor Info’ heading add the key sponsor details:

    • Within the 'Company Name' field, enter the name of the Sponsor, note this is a mandatory field. 

    • Within the 'Description' field, enter a description of the Sponsor, which will display under an 'About' heading on the Sponsor's booth, note this is a mandatory field. 

    • Lists

    • Within the 'Location' field, you can choose to enter the location of the Sponsor.

  4. Under the 'Sponsor Contact Details' heading, you can choose to enter the applicable contact details within each field. The only mandatory field is Website.

  5. Under the “Sponsor Content” heading you can choose to enter the URL (for example YouTube or Vimeo) to be used for the Featured Video, or Upload your own in mp4 or x-mpeg url format. This video is shown on the Sponsor booth below the Header Image and above the About section. If uploading, the maximum file size is 100MB.

  6. Under the “Featured Video Captions" you will be able to upload captions for the sponsor content video. Note, 'Display Name", "Locale" are mandatory fields. 

    • Under 'Logo Image', click 'Upload File' and select a Logo to upload, note this is a mandatory field.

    • Under 'Index Image', click 'Upload File' and select an Index Image to upload (we'd recommend use the same file as your Logo).

    • Under 'Header Image', click 'Upload File' and select a Header Image to upload. This image should be 1600 x 900px and we'd recommend avoiding text as it's responsive (may be altered according to the browser size/device).

    • Under 'Profile Cover Colour', set a custom HEX colour for the header background if you don't want to upload a Header Image.

  7. 'Sponsor Supplementary Information' is an opportunity to add an additional section to the Sponsor booth, much like the About section. You can add an Icon, Title for the Section and a Description.

  8. Under 'Sponsor Configuration', select the Sponsor Tier.

  9. Also under 'Sponsor Configuration', select Normal (Event website), or App (Event app). Selecting Normal will display the Sponsor on the platform, whereas selecting App will display the Sponsor on the App Home Screen.

  10. Also under 'Sponsor Configuration', you can choose to select an item the Sponsor has paid to sponsor from the dropdown list. The items to choose from are 'Talk', 'Speaker', 'Session', 'Theme'. Once you have selected an item, select the appropriate Talk/Speaker/Session/Theme from the next dropdown list that appears. The Sponsor's logo will then appear on the relevant Talk/Speaker/Session/Theme page.

  11. Under 'Sponsor Profile Users', you can select Users to link to the booth. Their Profile Photo and Name will then appear on the booth. Under 'Profile Users', start typing the name of the User you would like to link, then select their Name when it appears. You can select multiple Users. Linked Users will be able to edit the booth via the frontend (see Edit button up the top-right of the booth). 

  12. Open

    Under 'Profile Page Access', you can choose Enable or Disable this. When Enabled, Users linked to this Sponsor booth can access other Sponsor booths. When Disabled, Users linked to this Sponsor booth can only access their own Sponsor booth.

  13. Under 'Sponsor Status' you can decide whether to set the Sponsor booth to Private or Public (Sponsors may wish to keep it on Private until they have completed setting up their booth). You can also choose to set the Sponsor booth to Featured. If Enabled as Featured, it adds a 'Featured' label to the top of the Sponsor booth; the Sponsor logo will show on the Home Page (if the 'Sponsor' Home Page Section is Enabled, see "How To: Home Page Sections"); and it will prioritise the Sponsor at the top of any lists.

  14. Under 'Lead Capture', you can choose to add a custom label for the Lead Capture button (default label is 'Connect With Sponsor'). You can also choose to link the Lead Capture button to a URL instead of the Lead Capture form. 

  15. Also under 'Lead Capture' you can choose to add additional fields to the lead capture form.

  16. Click 'Submit' or 'Save and Add Another'.

Additional Notes:

  • If you would like to link an individual to a Sponsor booth, the individual must already have a User Account created.

  • The Lead Capture functionality only works if there is a team member linked to the booth.

  • There is an Event Feature you can Enable which allows you to have the Sponsor logo on the Home Page and the Sponsor page link to the URL that's been input within the the Sponsor's website field, instead of the Sponsor booth.
    To Enable this Event Feature, within the Admin Tools Dashboard navigate to the “Events” module and then “Events” via the charcoal navigational bar on the left hand side. Click the black “Actions” button and then click Event Features from the dropdown to the far-right of the applicable Event. Find (CTRL+F/Command+F) 'Home Page Sponsor Images Link To Sponsor Website'.

    • This option is commonly used when an event has a company that is both a Sponsor and an Exhibitor. Rather than have two booths to build and monitor, the company can input their Exhibitor booth URL in their Sponsor Website field, so when a User clicks the Sponsor logo, it takes the User to the Exhibitor booth instead of the Sponsor booth.


Sponsor Tier/s created and Sponsor booth/s created.

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