About: Event Features

About: Event Features



  1. Within the Admin Tools Dashboard navigate to the “Events” module and then “Events” in the charcoal navigational bar on the left-hand side of the platform.

  2. From this page, click the 'Actions' button which will drop down the options. From here, click 'Event Features' 


Event Feature


Reference Article for Use 

Announcements Are Visible To Users

Announcements are visible to users


Agenda Is Visible To Users

If enabled, this shows the agenda/program/schedule button on the homepage hero. 


Show Session Talk Details In Agenda

Show session talk details in agenda. This enabled a feature where the talks are condensed under the sessions and can be viewed by pressing the arrow down. 


Agenda Flyout View

Agenda expanded view only shows sessions by default.

Clicking on a session then loads the talks in the session. This feature is great for large programs.


Show Talk Description In Agenda

Shows the full talk description in the agenda pages. This can severely degrade page load times for large events!


Show Session/Talk Rooms, Type, and Venue in Agenda

Shows the list of rooms, type, and venues for a Session/Talk in the agenda pages. This can severely degrade page load times for large events


Show Speaker Title & Company OR Location in Agenda

If Enabled this will show speaker's title and company in the agenda. Suitable for professional conferences. If Disabled the speaker's name and coming from information will be displayed

 How To: Speakers

Export Agenda and Notes as PDF

Allow users to export agenda, notes, and other key information as a PDF. This should be disabled to prevent users from seeing outdated information


Export Sessions to Calendar

Allow users to export sessions to Calendar. This should be disabled to prevent users from seeing outdated information


Home Page Banner

Enable the home page popup banner


Event Title Shown In Page Header

If enabled, the Event Title which was been setup in the Event, will show in the top banner. 


Home Page Hero Gradient Overlay

If enabled, a gradient overlay is shown over the hero header image. 


Countdown Timer for Event is Visible

If enabled, the Countdown timer for event is visible. The countdown timer ends when  the Event Start Time commences.


When + Where Button

Enable the When + Where button on the home page


Event Search

Enable search functionality within the event


Text Only Footer

When enabled, a slim, text only footer is displayed


Social Icons in Footer

When enabled social icons will appear in the footer


Exhibitors Are Visible To Users

Exhibitors are visible to users

How To: Exhibitors

Home Page Exhibitor Images Link To Exhibitor Website

Clicking on the link will direct the user to the Exhibitor's website, not the Exhibitor's profile

How To: Exhibitors

Sort Exhibitors by Tier then Alphabetically

Sort Exhibitors by tier then alphabetically

How To: Exhibitors

Show Exhibitors by Tier on Home Page

Show exhibitors by tier on home page

How To: Exhibitors

Show Exhibitors by Tier on the Exhibitor Index Page

Show exhibitors by tier on the exhibitor index page


How To: Exhibitors

Sort Exhibitors by Exhibitor Type Position

Sort exhibitors by exhibitor type position

How To: Exhibitors

Show Exhibitors Type Group Details by Tier

Show exhibitors type group details by tier

How To: Exhibitors

Sort Interests Alphabetically

Sort Interests Alphabetically


Sessions Are Visible To Users

Sessions are visible to users

How to: Agenda Input

Sponsors Are Visible To Users

Sponsors are visible to users

How To: Sponsors

Home Page Sponsor Images link to Sponsor Website

Clicking on the link will direct the user to the Sponsor's website, not the Sponsor's profile

How To: Sponsors

Show Sponsor Tier on Sponsor Page

Show sponsor tier on sponsor page

How To: Sponsors

Talks are Visible to Users

Talks are visible to users


ePoster Talks Are Visible To Users

ePoster Talk Pages are Visible to Users


Authors are Visible in Talk Pages

If enabled, Authors are shown to users in Talk Pages


Show Additional Fields to User

Show additional fields to users in the front end views? This will show ALL additional fields, please choose carefully as this can reveal PII or other sensitive information


Themes are Visible to Users

Themes are visible to users


Registration Button Is Visible In Home Page Hero

This function is not active. 


Show Public Users Profiles

Show public users profiles

This feature needs to be enabled for the /users/connect to work correctly and for users to view other user profiles. 

Show User & Speaker Pronouns

If enabled, pronouns will be shown to users throughout the platform on User/Speaker profile pages, agenda, networking etc. If disabled, pronouns are not shown to users

How to: Speakers

User Marketing Opt Out

Enable the Marketing Opt-Out field for users. Allows users to opt out of marketing consent. If disabled, users consent is true by default


Show Cover Images for All Index Pages

Show cover images for all index pages


Chat in Live Streams is Visible to Users

Chat in live streams is visible to users


Questions in Live Streams are Visible to Users

Questions in live streams are visible to Users

How To: Live Stream Questions

Questions in Sessions are Visible to Users

Questions in sessions are visible to users


Questions in Talks are Visible to Users

Questions in talks are visible to users


Resources are Visible to Non-Users

Resources are available for public download and viewing

How To: Resources

Featured Videos Are Visible To Non-Users

Featured videos for Exhibitors or Sponsors are available for public viewing


Live Streams Are Visible Without Logging In

Live streams are visible without logging in


Video On Demand Content is Visible without Logging in

Video on Demand content is visible for playback without logging in

How to: Upload Video on Demand

ePosters are Visible without Logging in

ePoster content is visible for playback/viewing without logging in


View ePosters in a new tab

When enabled, the ePoster content will open in a new tab, not load in the ePoster Talk page


Require Users to Login to Access the Platform

Directs a user to the login page when attempting to access any page except the home page


Displays Time According to the Users Local Time Zone

If enabled, all times are shown in the user"s local time zone, if disabled, all times are shown in the event time zone


Question Set as Active

Question will be set as active. If this feature is enabled, delegate questions will show under the live stream. If this feature is disabled, only users with speakers tools will be able to access these, and these questions will go straight to the private section within the backend. 


My Network & Following Feature

Turns on the my network feature, following other users, and the attendee list

This feature needs to be enabled for the /users/connect to work correctly and for users to view other user profiles. 

How To: Networking Rooms

How To: Meeting Types & Meeting Rooms

How To: Interests & Recommendations

Show Speaker Tools

Show the links to the Speaker tools in the platform.

How to Access Speaker Tools as a Speaker

Only Show Speakers Assigned To Talks

Only show speakers that are assigned to at least one talk that is approved


Exhibitor/Sponsor Public Chat

When enabled, a public chat is visible on the Exhibitor / Sponsor profile pages.

This does NOT have notifications enabled and is not moderated. This is just an ephemeral chat.


Show Related Talks/Sessions/Speakers to Users

When enabled, on the Talks/Sessions/Speakers view page, show similar items to the user.


Enable User Recommendations

Turns on the evexus recommendation engine, that provides users with a list of recommended users tailored for them

How To: Interests & Recommendations

Display Recommendation Scores

When enabled the recommendation score is displayed as a percentage


Enable Private Ratings On Profile Pages

If enabled, a ratings widget appears on all profile pages, allowing for passive feedback collection. These ratings are only visible to admin users through the reporting tools. If disabled, these widgets are hidden


Sort Talks & Sessions In Chronological Order

If enabled, talks and sessions will be sorted in chronological order throughout the platform. If disabled, talks and sessions will be sorted by featured then alphabetical order

How to: Agenda Input

Hide Operator Timer

If enabled, the timer will be hidden on the moderator and operator sessions/lives pages


Hide Moderator Live Stream

If enabled, the live stream box will be hidden on the moderator sessions page


Enable User Notifications

When enabled, users can access a list of their notifications

How To: Scheduled Notifications

Persistent Navigation Menu

When enabled, the navigation menu will stay open until clicking outside the menu. Hovering outside the menu will not close it. 


Attendee Networking Room Creation

Allows attendees to create networking rooms. 


Session based access for livestreams

When enabled, restricts access to sessions that require registration for a livestream which users have paid for as an add on. 


Hide agenda search field

Hide the ("Search By Keyword") input field on the agenda filter panel, filtering will remain functional.  


Enable top menu button for accessing livestream/s

When enabled, users will be able to see the button in the top menu that will display 'Watch Live' depending on the current time and livestream status. 


Show Exhibitors carousel on home page

Show Exhibitors carousel on home page


Enable to remove themes from exhibitor index filter options

When enabled, users will not be able to filter exhibitors by themes on the exhibitors index page. 


Sort Delegate Types alphabetically on the registration page

Sort Delegate Types alphabetically on the registration page


Hide session description in agenda

When enabled, session descriptions will not be shown in the agenda


Hide timezone banner

When enabled, timezone banner will not be shown on the homepage. 



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